Neuro-Acupuncture in Brooklyn, NY
Unlock the Power of Neuro Acupuncture: Revitalize Your Brain and Body Health
What is Neuro Acupuncture?

Neuro-acupuncture or Neuropuncture is a special system of acupuncture that blends neuroscience, other Western medical sciences and current evidence-based acupuncture clinical research with the classical TCM acupuncture model. It targets specific receptors for the release of neuropeptides, resets dysfunctional visceral autonomic reflexes for improved organ function and depolarizes excited overstimulated nerve roots for pain management. Neuro acupuncture works by predominantly targeting and stimulating specific neuro-tissue. Theoretical nerve physiology can be applied through methods such as auricular acupuncture and a range of conditions can be treated, ranging from cervical pain to facial pain, ear pathology, eye pathology and since that pathway influences the chest, cardiac and gastric conditions can also be treated.
How Does Neuro-Acupuncture Work?
Neuro-acupuncture works by inserting a needle into a desired acupoint where there are several different peripheral afferent fibers that can be found in the area of insertion. These are the true A-delta, A-beta, and A-gamma fibers in the skin, C-fibers and II and III muscle fibers that create this neuro-network underneath the surface. Patients may report increased sensations such as pressure, tingling, radiating, spreading, heaviness, deep ache and even traveling sensations. These diverse sensations are linked to distinct neural pathways, where various nerve endings generate different effects. Small nerve fibers coil around the shaft of an acupuncture needle during stimulation, providing the practitioner with a sensation of the needle being “grasped.” The moment an acupuncture needle is placed and activated, an “axon reflex” is triggered within the network of adjacent nerves. This reflex stimulates certain fibers in the network of primary nociceptive afferent A-delta fibers and type II and III muscle fibers. At the site of insertion, as many as 15 different neurochemicals, amino acids, cellular enzymes, and both red and white blood cells can be present, creating a specialized chemical blend that initiates healing. This biochemical mix helps to moderate the pain sequence, diminish inflammation, commence the healing of local and nearby tissues, combat infections, and enhance local blood flow.
Pain transmission is mediated through three primary neural-anatomical pathways. The initial nerve order originates at the site of actual or potential tissue damage. Here, pain signals start locally due to the release of chemicals that transmit electrical information to the central nervous system. Small nerve endings, known as nociceptors, are involved at this stage. Nociceptors extend their reach to various body parts including muscles, skin, hair, tendons, ligaments, bones, and internal organs, relaying information to the spinal cord. These fibers converge at the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn’s lateral region in the spinal cord. This point marks the transition to the second-order neuron in the pain transmission pathway and is critical not only to the conveyance of pain but also to the efficacy of acupuncture’s neurophysiological effects. The method of needle stimulation plays a key role in determining the nature of the message that gets converted from an electrical signal to a chemical one, and then reverts to an electrical signal en route to the central nervous system.
Chronic pain is often exacerbated by chemical dependency. In response, the US government has recently intensified efforts to curtail opioid prescriptions. Auricular Electro-Acupuncture has proven highly effective in managing opioid withdrawal symptoms. Addressing the central nervous system (CNS) is crucial when treating chronic pain. In cases of chronic pain, the patient’s brain undergoes adaptations to the continuous pain signals and requires a process of “rewiring.”
What does Neuro-Acupuncture Treat?
Neuroacupuncture therapy treats:
- Pain (acute and chronic)
- Addictions (chemical dependency)
- Hypertension
- Immune support
- Infertility
- Migraine
- Tinnitus/hearing loss
- Parkinson
- Digestion/Constipation
- Loss of Taste/Smell
- Diabetes Mellitus type 2
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Dental Analgesia
- Energy/fatigue
- Bone Pain/Arthritis
The Benefits of Neuro-Acupuncture
The benefits of neurological acupuncture include:
- Reduce inflammation and begin repair of soft tissues, vs. strengthening soft tissues
- Targeting specific receptors for specific neuropeptide release
- Interrupt visceral dysfunctional autonomic reflexes
- Depolarize specific nerve pathways
- Ensures maximum release of endorphins for systemic pain relief
Neuro-Acupuncture in Brooklyn, NY
At Pulse Acupuncture we use modern acupuncture protocols designed by the Neuropuncture Program that was developed through years of scientific research and study of scalp acupuncture systems, auricular systems, e-stim medical devices. Marina Doktorman combines these modern techniques to assess and successfully treat various conditions.
About the Practitioner
Marina Doktorman was born in Ukraine and immigrated to United States at the age of 15. She received her B.A. degree in Psychology from Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY in 1997. Marina Doktorman, L.Ac, Dipl.Ac., is a nationally board certified acupuncturist since 2001 and licensed in NY and NJ states. She first worked in NYC in a multi-specialty clinic before establishing her private practice in 2005, in Clifton, NJ.

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Neuro-Acupuncture - FAQ
How does Neuro-Acupuncture work?
How many Neuro-Acupuncture sessions will I need?
What are the benefits of Neuro-Acupuncture?
Are there any special considerations for Neuro Acupuncture in Williamsburg, Brooklyn?
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109 N 12TH st suite 704, room 7 (within Blue Panda suites), Brooklyn, NY 11249